

Special Football Dinners Will be Served for Guests Today.

For all Yale and Harvard graduates and undergraduates and their guests, including ladies a football dinner will be served in Memorial Hall before the game today from 11.45 to 1.30 o'clock. The hall will be decorated and Kanrich's band will play Yale and Harvard football songs. Tickets for this table d'hote dinner will be $1 each, but each regular member of the hall may secure one for 75 cents. All dinner tickets may be charged upon the term bill. Those regular members of the hall who do not care to secure a dinner ticket, will be served in Sanders Theatre free of charge.

Service in the Union.

The Union will serve a special lunch today from 11 to 1.30 o'clock, tickets for which may be procured at the office at 75 cents apiece by any Harvard or Yale man and his guests including ladies. Kanrich's orchestra will furnish music. The regular dinner will be served at night from 5 to 8 o'clock in the Living Room, the Trophy Room, and both Dining Rooms. Service will be either table d'hote at 75 cents a plate or a la carte.
