

Fifth Season Promises to be an Unusually Fine One.--Repertoire.

The fifth season of Grand Opera is to open at the Boston Opera House next Monday, when there will be a performance of Wolf-Ferrari's "I Gioielli della Madonna." This season promises to be an unusually fine one, since many famous singers are to be in the casts, and Messrs. Felix Weingartner, Andre-Caplet and Moranzoni have been re-engaged as principal conductors.

Wednesday evening there will be a performance of Gounod's "Faust;" Friday evening, Puccini's "Tosca;" Saturday afternoon, Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde." There will be a special Saturday evening performance, at popular prices, of Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor."

Some of the best-known of the regular members of the Boston Opera Company are Lina Cavalieri, Emmy Destinn, Louise Edvina, Mary Garden, Alice Nielson, Evelyn Scotney, Louisa Tetrazinni, Maria Gay, Cara Sapin, Edmond Clement, Vincenno Tantongo, and Vanni Marcoux. It is expected that the following artists will appear occasionally: Frances Alda, Alessandro Bonci, Enrico Caruso, Florencio Constantino, Olive Fremstad, Johanna Gadski, Lillian Nordica, and Antonio Scotti.

The list of operas to be given this season includes, in addition to the regular repertoire of last year, three not before presented by the Boston Opera Company. One of these has never before been produced in America, and another is to have its first presentation in the world. These operas are Wagner's "Die Meistersinger," Zandonai and D'Annunzio's "Francesca da Rimini," and Fevrier and Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna." The latter will have its first American presentation here early in December; Miss Garden will be Monna Vanna, Mr. Muratore the Prinzivalle, and Mr. Marcoux the Guido, "Francesca da Rimini" will have its world's premiere at the Boston Opera House in February or early March, and both composer and author have promised to be present on this auspicious occasion.
