
Arrangements for "Marseillaise"

When the "Marseillaise" is sung at the game tomorrow, it is planned to have certain men wave white handkerchiefs during the singing so that the effect will be that of a white "H" on a crimson background. The right-hand upright of the "H" will be formed by those men sitting in section 32, rows O to R inclusive, W to DD inclusive, II and JJ, seats 9, 10, 11, 12; and rows S to V inclusive, EE to HH inclusive, seats 6, 7, 8, 9. The left-hand upright will be formed by men sitting in section 31, rows O to R inclusive, W to DD inclusive, II and JJ, seats 10, 11, 12, 13; and rows S to V in inclusive, EE to HH inclusive, seats 8, 9, 10, 11. The cross-bar will be formed by men sitting in section 31, rows Y, Z, AA, BB, seats 14 to 21 inclusive, and section 32 rows Y, Z, AA, BB, seats 1 to 8 inclusive. The accompanying diagram should make the arrangement clear. Every man is urged to do his part by securing the proper colored handkerchief.
