

Stiff Two Hours Show That All Possible Efforts Are Being Concentrated On Yale Contest.

Two tedious hours of signal drill and dummy scrimmage kept the University eleven at a heavy grind on Soldiers Fields until late Yesterday afternoon. Although fear of injury prevented hard scrimmage, the practice was not lacking in vigor and life, the coaches proving unusually exacting .

The purpose of the work was to strengthen the weaker spots, and to increase the power of the more staunch places. A drill by sections, in which the different coaches tutored their respective charges, and a rehearsal of formations between the two University teams, in which the first team the offensive, occupied practically the whole afternoon.

With the exception of some slight bruises the players were all in good condition including Trumbull, who was back at centre after as absence of three weeks. The linesmen seemed to work better with him in his accustomed position. Bradlee and Bettle were both on the side lines, while Collidge and Dana replaced the first team ends during the work, and may be substituted for them for a while Saturday. Freedley exchanged places with Logan, and McKinlock with Willetts for a short time.

The coaching staff was larger by two men yesterday: Crawford Blagden'02, an experienced and efficient coach of line-men, and Percy Wendell '13, who instructed the backfield players.

The two teams lined up as follows: TEAM A.  TEAM B. O'Brien, l.e.  R.e., Felton Storer, l.t.  r.t., Withinton Hitchcock, l.g.  r. g., Cowen Trumbull, c  c., Soucy Pennock r.g.  l.g., Millis Gilman, r.t  l.e., R. Curtis c r.e  l.e., L. Curtis Logan, q.b.  q.b., Freedley Mckinlock, 1. h. b.  r. H. B., Wallace Mahan, r. h. b.  l. h. b. Wallace Brickley, f. b.  f.b., Willetts
