
everyone pull for Team!


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

A Personal word in your columns regarding the significance of the success of the parade to be held Thursday will not be out of place.

There are two reasons why every undergraduate should find himself in that parade on Thursday. In the first place this parade gives to the College an opportunity of showing its appreciation to the football players for all the faithful work of a hard season. The University eleven gets this supports in the Yale game, but the substitutes and second team that have made the eleven possible do not. Furthermore it will give the team that is to play Yale a chance to see that the undergraduates are behind it all the time. For this reason, therefore, every men in College should be in that parade promptly at 4 o'clock.

In the second place, the rehearsals of the cheers and songs held in the Union are not successful in developing singing beyond teaching the words of the songs. The Stadium alone is suitable for a really successful rehearsal. To meet this end this rehearsal must be attended by all the men who are going to see the game. W. A. BARON, JR., '14.   A. F. PICKERNELL,'14.   Q. REYNOIDS '14.   L. SALTONASTALL, '14.   D. J. P. WINGATS, '14.
