

Handkerchiefs Must be Purchased When Yale Tickets are Procured.

It is desired to have a white "H" on a red background for the singing of the "Marseillaise" again this year, and in order to make it a success, the co-operation of every undergraduate is necessary. The men in the cheering section will find stamped on their Yale tickets whether they shall carry a red or a white handkerchief, and every man should provide himself with the color his seat calls for. In order to reach everyone, the committee will have representative at the Union, where the tickets will be given out every day this week from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., and the red handkerchiefs will be sold there for five cents apiece. Every man should have one of these whether he is in the cheering section or not so that the red background on the Harvard side of the field will be continuous.
