

Generous Contributions Necessary to Put Class on Firm Basis.

The Sophomore Finance Committee under the direction of the new secretary, S.M. Felton, Jr., will begin the collection of class dues today. There is to be no particular sum set as dues from each man, but it is hoped that everyone will contribute as mush as he can spare in order to help the class meet its heavy expenses. Several entertainments like those of last year, which cost nearly $100 each, have been planned, and in addition numerous, smaller expenditures must be made.

More Men Should Join Union.

It will, however, be impossible to obtain the Living Room of the Union for entertainments this year unless more men from 1916 joint the Union at once. The present membership from the Sophomore class is 150 short of the number required. The Living Room of the Union is the only suitable place where these entertainments can be held; consequently all men who have not yet joined the Union are urged to do so immediately.
