
Childishness at Memorial


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

When men have reached college age, it ought not to be necessary to subject them to preparatory school discipline. Yet if they persist in behaving like preparatory school boys, a resort to such discipline. Yet if they persist in behaving like preparatory school boys, a resort to such discipline is but natural. By suspending the man who last evening walked the length of Memorial Hall with his hat on, the Dining Council merely prevented anarchy.

When I first came to Harvard it was possible for a lady to appear in the gallery at Memorial Hall without attracting more than polite notice. To click on a plate was to stamp one's self a Freshman, and quickly to be hissed down. Even football demonstrations were limited to cheering.

Since then the spirit of gentlemanliness has ebbed with decided rapidity. This year matters are far worse than ever before. Many of the men do not seem to realize that it is possible to enjoy one's self without behaving like a hoodlum. Regard for the feelings of ladies who appear at the door, and for the feelings of those of their fellows who prefer to eat without covering their ears and without dodging missiles, seems to have no place in their philosophy. One is led to wonder whether the change in admission requirements has resulted in the presence of a less desirable class of men. To throw bread, sugar, and potatoes; to break crockery without paying for it; to make it impossible for a lady to appear in their presence; are these to become typical characteristics of Harvard men? We must all agree with Dean Briggs that the main purpose of Harvard College is to turn out gentlemen. Do present conditions at Memorial show that Harvard College has outlived its usefulness? Respectfully,   CHARLES P. HOWARD '09, 3L.
