

Profs. Whipple and Ford to Serve on Cambridge Sanitary Commission.--Duties Outlined.

George C. Whipple, Gordon McKay Professor of Sanitary Engineering, and James Ford, Professor of Social Ethics, of Harvard University, have been appointed by Mayor J. Edward Barry as members of the recently organized Cambridge Sanitary Commission. Professor Whipple is to act as chairman. The other members of the Commission are Mr. Louis M. Hastings, City Engineer, Mr. Edward W. Quinn, Superintendent of Streets, and Mr. B. H. Peirce, Medical Inspector of the Board of Health.

The object of the Commission is "to undertake a comprehensive investigation of the sanitary condition of the city of Cambridge to ascertain the relations between them and the health and physical comfort of the people. To this end it is proposed: first, to enlist the co-operation of the various city departments and of such existing associations as are already considering particular phases of the problems; second, to undertake such original studies as may be necessary; third, to conduct a campaign of public interest in municipal cleanliness, especially in those sections of the city where the population is most dense; fourth, to recommend to the city government from time to time such sanitary improvements as seem desirable; fifth, to publish ultimately the results of the findings of the Commission as a matter of historical interest."
