Attention is called to the fact that the Dramatic Club play competition closes on Friday, October 10. So far, only two plays have been submitted and the club is anxious to have the contestants hand in their plays as soon as possible. It must he remembered that the prize of fifty dollars which the president, J. K. Hodges '14, has offered is for a comedy and not a tragedy. The fall production is scheduled for the middle of December, and contrary to the serious plays that it has produced because of lack of other material, the Dramatic Club wishes to put on a comedy this fall. Under the must be light but enjoyable and must furnish a whole evening's entertainment. All manuscripts should be handed to J. K. Hodges '14, Stoughton 8, or to K. Pichel '14, Brentford 83. Trials for parts candidates for the stage and business ends will be called cut later.
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