

Interclass Debates Will Again be Continued This Fall.--Cups to Winners.

The Debating Council has announced that the interclass debates which were held last year will be continued this fall. Trials for these teams will be held shortly after the November hour examinations. After the teams have been chosen the Seniors will meet the Juniors, and the Sophomores the Freshmen. The winners of these debates will then meet for the class championship, and cups will be presented to the members of the winning team. The interclass debates serve as an excellent training for the triangular series in the spring and offer an opportunity for a number of men to get actual practice in speaking on the platform. Last year, all three f the men on the winning class team inter made the University debating team, one as regular and two as alternates.

That the undergraduates can uphold a high standard was shown by the fact that the team which defeated Yale at Cambridge last spring was composed entirely of undergraduates. The interclass debates form the best means of preparing for the triangular debate.
