

A little while ago an organization of Harvard students interested in the diplomatic and consular service of the United States held a meeting. In itself the meeting was not important, but in its indication of the interest of college men in the service, its significance can scarcely be realized. Administrations, political leaders, even business men are continually wondering why more of us do not go into the distinctly honorable calling of the diplomat. They seldom wonder at the fact that many do go into the calling, in spite of the irregularity of tenure and the pitifully small remuneration. And the answer to the problem is so simple that its simplicity has probably caused it to be overlooked: In this country, almost alone of the great nations, the service is caught in such a mesh of politics, is so far removed from the real advantages of the civil service that men cannot run the risks of sudden unemployment attached to it. There is no doubt but that college men would enter the consular service in as great numbers and of as good character as could be wanted, could the service be removed from the vagaries of changing administrations.


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