

Proposes to Add a Class President to Nominating Committee.

The Student Council posts the following Amendment to the Constitution Section DII regarding the Nominating Committee: "The Nominating Committee shall consist of the two Junior members of the Executive Committee and three Juniors and two Sophomores appointed from the Council at large" to read "The Nominating Committee shall consist of the two Junior members of the Executive Committee, two Juniors and two Sophomores appointed from the Council at large and the president of the Freshman class." The purpose of this change is to facilitate the nominations from the incoming Sophomore class, the president of that class for the preceding year being obviously the person to judge concerning Student Council nominations from his class. This amendment will be voted on three weeks from the date of this notice.

The Athletic Committee and the Student Council have approved the appointments of N. E. Burbridge of Spokane, Wash., as manager, and D. Campbell, of Mt. Hamilton, Cal., as assistant manager of the Freshman football team.
