

A Present Member of Harvard University.


(Third Edition, but entirely re-translated and revised with many omissions of less important selections in order to make room for new and most valuable selections gathered from the Ethnic Scriptures after thirty-five years of wide research and constant study.)

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Copies of these volumes of World-Religion are presented to a limited number of catholic spirited World-educators--college professors and students, teachers and preachers, editors and authors, lecturers and reformers who are known to be cosmopolitan in thought and method. An essential condition of all benefactions to public libraries, etc., by Mr. Carnegie is the entire disuse of partisan or sectarian names and dogmas; and the Presentation Copies are proffered in the same cosmopolitan and genuinely catholic spirit. Those who are not and are determined not to become cosmopolitan and catholic spirited in this sense will find no interest in either of these volumes, whether accepted as Presentation Copies or purchased at the bookseller's.

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