

Best Essays on Subjects of Peace and Government Receive $100.

The Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration offers a prize of $100 for the best essay on "International Arbitration." The prize is given by Chester Dewitt Pugsley '09, and may be completed for by any male college undergraduate in America. The present contest closes on March 15, 1914. Each essay shall bear a "nom de plume" which should be included in an accompanying letter giving the writer's real name, college, class, and home address. The essays should be sent to H.C. Phillips, Secretary of the Conference, 3531 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

The William H. Baldwin Prize of $100 has again been offered by the National Municipal League for the best essay on the subject "Is the Commission Form of Government a Permanent One?" The essay must not exceed 10,000 words, must be typewritten in duplicate, and must bear a "nom de plume." Both copies must reach Clinton Rogers Woedruff, Secretary of the League, North American Building, Philadelphia; Pa., before March 15, 1914.
