

The object which the coaches have in mind in the early season games with the smaller football teams is to discover the faults of the Varsity eleven and to prepare to eliminate them, and to fix on the merits of the team and develope them; to try out the resources and weld them into a compact whole which shall campaign with success against the real antagonists at the end of the schedule. Something very like this latter is the purpose of the coming mass meetings, aside from the more mechanical object of producing a good singing and cheering corps.

From time to time during the early season all of us wax critical of the men who are playing in the various positions and of the combination which they form. It is now time for these criticisms to be laid aside. Indeed, it is almost certain that they have been, by this time, discounted to a great extent in favor of the strong points. The mass meeting now comes to gather up the various threads of approval and confidence and weave them into one force of enthusiasm. This enthusiasm must be sanctioned by the intelligent, critical approval which has been developed but it must now be emotionalised into a solid voice of support and taught to express itself in cheers and songs. It is, therefore, the part of every student to participate in the coming mass meetings; find himself a part of that unit of enthusiasm, and to learn to express his share of it in the organized cheering and singing, which is to transmit to the team the vital force of confidence and spirit.
