It was quite evident from several circumstances surrounding the football game with Holy Cross that the spectators as well as the players are gradually rounding into from. The cheering Saturday was loud and clean cut, and the singing, though far from excellent, was better than is usually expected on first trial before any mass meetings have been held. Surely these achievements may be taken as presaging the development of a backing such as the communications printed in this issue call far. With the Princeton game coming over the horizon, Wednesday's mass meeting should see such enthusiasm as will mean that Harvard shall not again be criticised by her players for lack of support.
As for the team, Saturday's game showed clearly that Coach Haughton has started his famous team-work program that pulled a victory out of the Princeton game last year. Yet there are one or two weak spots that must be strengthened before we shall see a real team. So far this season none of our opponents has been anywhere near our equal in skill or staying power; and until we do meet such teams, we cannot begin to feel confidence. There was something hopeful, however, in the revenge, cruel as it was, which the players wrung from Holy Cross after her touchdown. It was the fighting spirit that wins lost games.
So, taken all in all, the game was encouraging; perhaps not so much in itself as in its indications.
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