

First Game of Season Scheduled on Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock.

The University association football team will play its first game of the season with the Milford team of Hopedale on Soldiers Field today at 3 o'clock.

Soccer candidates were called out almost three weeks ago. At that time about forty men reported and the team promises to be unusually strong. There are a number of veterans remaining from last year's championship team and several men from last year's Freshman eleven are showing up well; Coach Burgess, who made a championship team out of last year's material, is again coaching this year, with D. Needham '13, forward last year, as an assistant.

The probable University line-up will be; g., Nichols; l.f.b., Jennings; r.f.b. Kingman; l.h.b., Carson; c.h.b., Francke (captain); r.h.b., Grant; l.o.f., Weld; l.i.f., Carnochan; c.f., Baker; r.i.f., Smart; r.o.f., Blackmur.
