

Lehigh Will Test Blue's Strength Today, --Syracuse Plays Princeton.

Today Yale will play Lehigh at New Haven. Yale has developed in speed and power during the past week and is considered by many to be potentially greater in strength than any Yale eleven since that of Captain Coy.

The exact make-up of the eleven is as yet uncertain and the new attack which is being developed has not yet been tried out against an eleven of first-rate strength. The weakest part of the team is undoubtedly the ends, both Avery and Carter showing lack of speed and defence skill. Other candidates for these positions are being developed under Hinkey and Bomeisler, the end coaches. The tackles will probably be Talbott and Pendleton while Captain Ketcham and Warren with Martin will make up the centre of the line for the present.

Cornish is the coaches' first choice for quarterback with Wilson as a substitute and Cornell, Knowles and Pumpelly will probably play regularly in the backfield.

Princeton Over-Aggressive.

The Princeton freshmen have discovered many faults in the university team during the scrimmages of the past week, which must be corrected if the team is to make a good showing in the big games. The men show a tendency towards over-aggressiveness and fumbling which is apt to prove disastrous. Hammond and Brown will probably be the regular ends and a great deal is expected of them both in every respect save forward passing. The tackle positions will surely be held by Phillips and Ballin whereas the final choices for guards are very uncertain, Heyniger and Longstreth being the most promising. Trenkman has taken Semmons's place at centre since the latter went on probation, while the backfield remains about the same with Emmons at quarterback and Captain Baker, Glick and Streit behind him.


Today's game with Syracuse will be Princeton's first opportunity to practically correct the faults found during the past week.
