Graded crew rowing started will on Tuesday with a squad of 45 men, who are being given long easy paddles each day by coach Brown in preparation for the division into clubs. This division will probably take place on Monday. F. S. Kingsbury '14, G. T. Winslow '14, and J. C. Talbot '15 have been appointed to supervise the graded rowing.
Both the Freshman and Weld graded squads, however, are in need of more coxswains. Any Freshmen weighing less than 122 pounds are urged to report at Newall boathouse at 3 o'clock this afternoon, while other men of less than 122 pounds should report at Weld. No previous experience is necessary.
The University crew is now rowing; bow; Murray; 2, Talcott; 3, Reynolds; 4, Harwood; 5, L. Curtis; 6, Parson; 7, Schall; stroke, Chanler; cox., Enright. The fall season will be wound up on October 28.
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