There are two phases to the life of a college professor who holds any administrative post in the University. There is the executive work of administration of Department or Division or Graduate School and there are the scholarly achievements of research and writing. Unfortunately for purposes of division of labor the best administrators are often the finest scholars and one form of work often necessitates a crowding out of the other. It is, therefore, little short of wonderful that President Lowell, whose administrative duties are legion, has found time and energy in the last three years to prepare a volume which must have required much diligent investigation and careful thought. Besides his routine tasks in University Hall, the President has now given to Political Science a scholarly discussion of many of the vital problems of present thought on governmental matters.
To professors who complain that they have not time for the enduring works of scholarship because of official functions and to students who assert, with perfect sincerity, that other duties keep them from thorough work on theses and longer reports, there has been afforded a striking verification of the old but significant adage that he who will can find time for any task; the busiest man is usually the one who finds it possible to do the extra tasks. Amid the work of managing the business of collegiate life it should be as possible as it is desirable to accomplish some achievement which will in itself endure alongside of the less tangible results of our daily activities.
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