
What is Going on Today

8.45.--**Morning prayers by Rt. Rev. Charles D. Williams, D.D., Bishop of Michigan.

11.00.--Meeting of the Board of Overseers at University 5.

4.00.--Handicap hurdle competition is Cage.

4.30.--Handicap running broad jump competition in Cage.

4.30.--*Lecture on "The Logic of Science. VI. The Ideals of Science," by Dr. H. T. Costello, in Emerson F.


7.00.--*Meeting of the St. Paul's Society. "The Place of the Church of Christ in the Twentieth Century" by the Rt. Rev. C. D. Williams, D.D.

8.15.--Fortnightly meeting of the Musical Club in Grays 4.

8.45.--*University Forum in the Dining Room of the Union. Topic for discussion: "The Harvard Union."
