

First Informal Lecture of a Series Will Be Given This Evening

The informal course in wireless telegraphy instituted under the auspices of the Wireless Club will be started in Grays 13 this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The meeting this evening will be open to all members of the University who care to attend. W. H. Capon 1G.S., will be in the chair, and will give an introduction to the subject of wireless telegraphy together with an outline of its history.

There will be at least eight more meetings of the course, each for the consideration of a special topic, designed as a whole to give a connected idea of the history, theory, and operation of a comparatively new science. Some of the addresses will be made by members of the club, while members of the faculty, among them Professors G. W. Pierce and E. L. Chaffee, may give others.

The lectures, which will be about an hour in length, will be strictly informal, and not given in too technical language. The special topics to be investigated are as follows: "Introduction and History," "Sending," "Waves," "Oscillations in Receiving Circuits," "Detectors," "Operating," and "The Wireless Telephone."
