Michigan Students Agitate for Franchise.
In view of the recent agitation on the part of members of the University to secure the franchise at the past election, a movement of very great interest and one likely to lead to important results has been undertaken by the students of the University of Michigan. The exact nature of the proposal and the system by which it is hoped to operate it are summarized in the following quotation from the Cornell Daily Sun:
"Members of the faculty of the University of Michigan, heads of the undergraduate organizations, and the Michigan College Daily, are working together to arouse sentiment, perfect an organization, and put through a proposed law permitting college students whose homes are in Michigan to vote by mail.
"A tentative draft of the bill is being prepared by a committee of professors and students in the law school and will soon be ready for presentation. The bill differs markedly in many respects from that proposed for New York State, especially in being a statute in the first place and not an amendment to the constitution. It applies to all students whose residence is in the State of Michigan, regardless of whether their institutions are located there or not, grants the full ballot of the student's home district, and provides for the student obtaining a ballot ten days previous to the election, and mailing it to his city clerk three days before, the latter to deposit it on election day. Proper safeguards are provided.
"In order to provide for these students, fifty per cent at Michigan, who are not residents of the state, Professor Walton H. Hamilton, who is active in pushing the measure, suggests that all of the big universities unite in a national movement and secure similar laws in all of the states.
The Yale Coaching Situation.
The meeting of former coaches and captains of Yale football teams, called by Captain Ketcham, was held at the Hotel Taft, New Haven, Saturday evening. It was attended by seven former captains, and a number of former coaches. Nothing was definitely decided upon, that being left to Captain Ketcham, but the plan which seemed to meet with most favor was one by which Walter Camp should be placed in his former position as advisory coach with such a man as W. W. Heffelfinger '91, as field coach. This plan is favored by certain members of the faculty and has been recommended by some of the old time players. The decision rests with Captain Ketcham, however, who is in charge of the situation.
A number of men were discussed as salaried coaches but present indications point to the return of Walter Camp to his former position. Dissatisfaction with the present system is manifest and there will probably be a change of a radical nature in the system now in force, by which the captain of the previous year acts as head coach.
Princeton's Enrolment.
According to figures contained in the new catalogue of Princeton University the official total enrolment is 1568. Forty-five states are represented and there are 23 students from foreign countries.
New York is represented by 376 men and Pennsylvania next with 321. The other states having large representations are New Jersey 318, Maryland 52, Ohio 50, Illinois 36, Missouri 35, and Massachusetts 32.
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Trials for Fencing Team Begin