The third University Forum to be held in the Dining Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8.45 o'clock will be open to all members of the University, instead of only to members of the Union and Speakers' Club as heretofore. The subject under discussion will be "The Harvard Union." In view of the criticisms recently made of the Union, the Governing Board is particularly desirous of obtaining a free and representative expression of opinion which may serve to guide its future policy, and a large attendance is therefore desired.
An elaborate program of introductory speeches has been arranged. Professor I. N. Hollis h. '99, chairman of the board of trustees of the Union, James J. Storrow '85, and Malcolm Donald '99, also of the board of trustees will open the meeting with addresses on various phases of the question: "The Uses of the Union in the Future." Several other members of the governing board and officers of the Union are expected to take part in the discussion. The introductory speeches will be followed by the customary informal argument from the floor.
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