

We notice with much interest a form of University extension work that is about to be tried by the New York University. It is a course on current events and problems and is open to students in the university as well as to outsiders. From time to time college papers appeal for such courses; here at last is a practical experiment to test their value. It will be watched by other colleges, and if it appears possible to carry on a course consisting of a series of lectures by prominent men on topics so unrelated and still make it of such nature as may properly be counted toward a degree, the scheme will undoubtedly be widely copied. The "Outlook" has a word of commendation for it:

"It is one of the good signs of the time that our colleges in various parts of the country are working our university extension schemes to extend the benefit of college instruction to the general community. The effect of this is not only beneficial to the community, but not less so to the college, since it connects the college with life, gives the college professors, and to some extent the college student, acquaintance with the outside world and its problems, and so makes the regular academic instruction more vital and practical."
