

Brown Defeated in Relay Race at Beachmont Last Evening.

The University swimming team defeated Brown in a four-man relay race at Beachmont last evening. The University men were considerably faster than their opponents, every man on the team increasing Harvard's lead. H. R. Hitchcock '14, the fourth man, led at the finish by 10 yards, the time for the total 160 yards being 1 minute, 25 2-5 seconds.

In the open 100-yard handicap race, H. R. Hitchcock '14 finished fourth, being the only man to start from scratch. Hitchcock won both his preliminary heats but found the long handicaps too much to overcome in the final. K. E. Fullerton '16, the only other Harvard man in this event, failed to qualify from scratch in his preliminary heat.

The relay team swam in the following order: J. Wentworth '14, E. B. Starbuck '14, J. G. MacDonough '13, H. R. Hitchcock '14.
