The contract for the construction of the Widener Memorial Library has been awarded to a Philadelphia builder, whose name is not yet announced, calling for an expenditure of $1,400,000. As was planned the building is to be of brick and marble, three stories in height, 210 by 275 feet and containing a specially fire-proofed section to house the Widener collection.
The work of vacating Gore Hall, which is now wholly empty, was finished last Wednesday. Definite arrangements are in the hands of Horace Trumbauer of Philadelphia, the head architect. It is probable that the demolition of Gore will be started immediately.
The College Library is now fully installed in Randall Hall. The general Reading Rooms remain, as at the beginning of the year, in Massachusetts Hall, but space has been found in Randall Hall for a reading-room in which books called for in the building can be used. This has been somewhat enlarged during the Christmas recess, so that it may be opened to students as well as to officers of the University.
Hours at Randall.
Whether it is necessary to keep Randall Hall open in the evening is not yet clear, but for the present, beginning today, Randall Hall will be open, like the Reading Room in Massachusetts Hall, until 10 P. M. It will also be open on Sundays from 1.30 to 5.30 P. M.
The Delivery Desk closes, as heretofore, at 5.30 P. M., so that books may not be borrowed after that hour to be taken from the Library. Books which are wanted for use in the evening in Randall Hall should be spoken for at any time during the day and will be reserved for the applicant.
The book-stack in Randall Hall is open only to officers of the University and to students having stack permits. For evening use, special cards of admission are required, as was the case in Gore Hall. In regard to these cards, application should be made to Mr. Kiernan, Superintendent of Circulation
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