

With Clapp Memorial at Weymouth.--Eleven Men Entered for University.

The University wrestling team will hold a meet with the Clapp Memorial Athletic Association of East Weymouth in the Gymnasium tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Admission will be free. The following entries have been made from the University squad: 115-pound class, T. T. Mora-Rodriguez '13; 125-pound class, H. B. Goodfriend '14, A. A. Shapiro '14; 135-pound class, F. S. Moulton '13; 140-pound class, C. C. Loomis '15; 145-pound class, W. E. Griffiths '14, E. Swigert '15; 158 pound class, W. R. Tyler '14, J. N. Brennan '15; heavyweight, A. J. Weatherhead '15, J. F. Stambaugh '13.

Considerable interest has been shown in wrestling this winter and the sport is now well established as a branch of minor athletics. Under the direction of Coach Anderson, a squad of forty men is practicing dally in the Gymnasium. Meets will be held later in the year with Technology, Boston Y. M. C. A. and with Yale.
