

Harvard Game Only One for Yale Next Fall Away From New Haven.

The Yale football schedule for 1913 includes games with two new opponents, Lehigh and the University of Maine. The West Point game has been dropped on account of the effects of so hard a trip on the players. The Syracuse game has also been omitted. The complete schedule is as follows:

September 24.--Wesleyan.

September 27.--Holy Cross.

October 4.--University of Maine.

October 11.--Lafayette.


October 18.--Lehigh.

October 25.--Washington and Jefferson.

November 1.--Colgate.

November 8.--Brown.

November 15.--Princeton.

November 22. -- Harvard, at Cambridge.

Special Coach for Distance Runners.

Announcement has also been made that the Yale track management has secured William Queal as coach for its distance men. Queal has a record as one of the best men in the country at distances between 5 and 15 miles.

Previous to this Johnny Mack has had entire charge of all track work; and the results in cross-country and long distance runs have been extremely unsatisfactory, especially as compared to Harvard's since the advent of Shrubb. The change is expected to bring about a great improvement in the calibre of future cross-country teams.

Trial of New Baseball Scheme Begins.

The baseball season will be fairly started this evening with a meeting of candidates for class baseball teams. Candidates picked by the coaches on past showing as suitable University material were called out last week.

The Yale News comments as follows on the new plan of baseball practice:

"The system is a departure from the usual scheme of issuing a general call for baseball men. In the first place the motives for this change are to give the men of University calibre the benefit of a more concentrated practice; second, to obviate the discouraging influence on a man of less ability of cutting him from the squad before he really has had a fair chance.

"The new plan starts a man of lesser ability at the bottom and gives him the opportunity, by practice and work on the class team squad, of working his way up. The old plan started him at the top, on the University squad, and unless he could prove his worth dropped him, perhaps to have him give up baseball for good."
