
Senior Class Notices

Class Lives to be Mailed Shortly.

Each Senior whose name appeared in the class voting list will receive shortly from the Secretary a blank form to be used as a basis for the first annual report, and from the Treasurer a form to be used for pledges to the Class Fund.

It is essential in order that the work of these officers can be effectively performed that these two blanks be filled out and returned at the earliest opportunity. In the past class Secretaries have been seriously handicapped because of thoughtless and unnecessary delay on the part of certain of their classmates in complying with this request. It is in order to avoid a similar experience that the Class Committee is making this early appeal. Only the hearty co-operation of the entire class in this matter will make it possible for the officers to do their work successfully.

As the class list may not as yet be quite complete, any member of the class who fails to receive his notice is urged to inform immediately the Secretary. P. G. M. AUSTIN,   G. H. ROOSEVELT,   Class Committee.   W. TUFTS, JR., Secretary.

Appointments for Photographs.


Arrangements have been made where by the class has been divided into three parts for the purpose of having photographs taken. Members of the class from Aab to Fuller inclusive should make appointments at Tupper's Studio, Harvard square, today, tomorrow, or Wednesday. Men who are leaving College at mid-years whose names do not appear in this group, should also make appointments at once if they have not already done so.   1913 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.

Blanks for Album Out Today.

Every Senior whose name is on the class list should have received in this morning's mail a notice and blank from the Photograph Committee, to be used in connection with the Senior Class Album. Information from this blank is printed beside each Senior's picture in the Album, and the blanks should not be confused with those to be sent out shortly by the Secretary. Any Senior who does not receive a letter should send his name at once to Holworthy 16.

All men, and especially those who are leaving College at mid-years, should attend to this matter at once. Any information may be obtained at Holworthy 16 every day between 1.30 and 2.45 o'clock.   1913 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
