With the recurrence of sabbatical leave and because of foreign exchange relations, there will be a number of absencoa and additions in the Faculty during the next half-year.
Professor G. H. Palmer will go west to several universities as exchange professor. He will leave here about the twenty-eighth of this month and will go first to Colorado College and then to Grinnell, Knox, and Beloit. At each of these colleges he will lecture three times a week on the general subject of the "Problem of Duty," and will also lecture publicly on "Types of English Poetry."
Western Professors at Harvard.
According to the agreement with the colleges mentioned, made in 1911, each of them sends to Harvard one of its young instructors who is required to spend one-third of this time in teaching. This year Grinnell will send Professor Paul Frederick Peck, Ph.D., Parker Professor of History. Professor Peck took his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and was for four years Professor at the Pennsylvania State Normal School. Since 1905 he has been professor of history at Grinnell. He is the author of a well-known book on the "Government of Pennsylvania."
Colorado College will send G. H. Albright '00, and assistant professor of mathematics, and D. E. Watkins, professor of Public Speaking, will be the exchange instructor from Knox College.
Exchange Professors to Leave.
The foreign exchange professors, Messrs, Eucken and Legouis, will leave the University at the beginning of the second half-year and the Harvard professors now abroad, Professor C. S. Minot at Berlin and Professor G. G. Wilson at Paris, will end their foreign residence at the same time.
A number of members of the Faculty who have been granted leave of absence for the first half-year only, will return, notably, Professors G. P. Baker '87, E. Channing" '78, J. H. Ropes '89, and R. DeC. Ward '89. In addition, Dr. A. N. Holcombe '06, who has been absent on account of ill-health, expects to resume his duties after the mid-years. Regular sabbatical leave for the second half of this year has been granted to Professors A. B. Hart and W. B. Munro, and to Dean Haskins. The latter recently received the award of the Woodbury Lowery Fellowship which is to be used to carry on research in historical archives, preferably those relating to American history in the archives of foreign countries.
Besides these changes, Professor E. D. Fite, of Yale University, will conduct courses in the department of Government during the next half in place of Professor W. C. Abbott, also of Yale, who is now at the University conducting courses in English history.
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