

Contract Awarded to Tupper.--Complete Information Regarding Prices of Photographs.

The 1913 Photograph Committee has awarded the contract for the class photographs to the Tupper Studio, in Harvard square. Pictures may he had of this firm as follows: cabinet size, platinum finish, $3.25 for one dozen, $5.50 for two dozen, $7.50 for three dozen, and $9.50 for fifty; cabinet size, sepia finish, $10 for one dozen, $18 for two dozen, and $24 for three dozen. Artists' proofs may be had for $10 per dozen.

Appointments for sittings may be made in person, by mail, or by telephone, Cambridge 894-M, and the committee asks that every Senior make an appointment immediately, whether or not he intends to order pictures. Men who are leaving College at mid-years are particularly urged to make appointments at once, and are requested to deposit $2 toward a copy of the Class Album at the time of the sitting. Only by the co-opertion of the men in having their pictures taken can the committee hope to get out an album which will be a complete record of our four years in College.

Any member of the class of 1913 who is leaving College at mid-years, and has not already done so, will please send his name and address at once to C. MacR. Makepeace, Thayer 32.

The committee will be pleased to receive suggestions from members of the class, or others, concerning the Class Album. Some have already been received, and more are wanted. A member of the committee will be in Holworthy 16 daily between 1.30 and 2.45, and will be glad to confer about the Album at that time. 1913 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE
