Graduate Schools' Society.
Professor A. B. Hart, of the Department of Government, will give a talk before the Graduate Schools' Society at its meeting in Phillips Brooks House tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. Professor Hart's subject will be "Missions." All members of the Graduate Schools are invited to attend.
Hon. C. G. Roe Before Christian Association.
Hon. Clifford G. Roe will speak on "The White Slave Traffic" at the meeting of the University Christian Association in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Roe is a graduate of the University of Michigan and was for several years assistant district attorney of Chicago. He resigned his office to take up the crusade against the white slavery in Chicago and is now recognized as the leader in the fight against that evil in American. Mr. Roe has made an extensive tour of the country and has already spoken at several of the larger colleges.
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Mid-Year Examinations