
What is Going on Today

8.45.--**Morning prayers by Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, D.D., in Appleton Chapel.

4.00.--*University tea in Parlor of Phillips Brooks House.

4.30.--*Classical Conference. "The Dramatic Technique of "The Suppliants' of Aeschylus," by Mr. G. G. Sedgwick; "Ridicule as a Principle of Action in Greek Literature," by Professor C. N. Jackson; and "Alastor," by Dr. B. A. G. Fuller, in Harvard 1.

4.30.--**Final lecture on "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. XVI. The Value of Human Life," by Professor Rudolf Elucken, in Emerson D.

8.00.--*Phi Delta Kappa. "Educational Measurements," by Mr. S. A. Courtis, of Detroit, Michigan, in Emerson J.


8.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture on "Wordsworth. IV. His Optimism and Nature Worship Confirmed," by Professor Emile Legouis, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
