

Fellow of Corporation to Succeed Arthur Tracy Cabot '72.

The Rt. Rev. William Lawrence '71, D.D. Bishop of Massachusetts has been elected a Fellow of the Corporation, to succeed the late Arthur Tracy Cabot '72. Bishop Lawrence has been a member of the Board of Overseers since 1894. He is probably the most prominent ecclesiastical figure in New England, having been since 1893 Bishop of Massachusetts. He has been honored with degrees by Harvard, Yale, Princeton. Hobart, Cambridge, and the Episcopal Theological School, of which he was for a number of years a professor and the dean. He is a historian of note and the author of a number of books, including "The Life of Roger Wolcott, Governor of Massachusetts," "A Study of Phillips Brooks," "Proportional Representation in the House of Clerical and Lay Delegates" and "Visions and Service."
