

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Allow another undergraduate to offer a work anent the question of the formation of an undergraduate economic society, and to express an opinion which he believes to be common to all undergraduates interested in economics. The undergraduate student of economics is barred from all active participation in the affairs of the graduate economic society. He finds himself apart from any organization in which he can stand on an equal footing with his fellows, in which he can express his opinion outside academic halls on any subject of pure economics or the application of economic theory and in which he can obtain the information and instruction which he has failed to receive in the classroom. If it is true that our wits are sharpened and our faculties aroused by contact with our fellows, then it is needles to say that such an undergraduate society, filling the part of a forum for discussion and debate, would prove of no small value in raising the standard of scholarship in undergraduate courses in economics.

Not infrequently, as every student of economics can testify, certain phases of an economic problem may be obscure. The student may find himself in doubt and uncertainty on some economic subject. The bi-weekly meeting of such a society as proposed would afford a valuable opportunity for the solution of the difficulty. But the society should appeal and prove of interest and help not only to one who finds a vital attraction in the study of economics, not alone to the student who is concerned merely because he is enrolled in an elementary course; but also to all interested in the economic, social, and industrial happenings which are taking place daily. Such a society would fill a long felt need, and the idea merits commendation.

Let all undergraduates now enrolled in Economics courses decide to make the attempt at organization a marked success, by attending the first meeting in full numbers.  J. A. ELLIOTT '15
