Applications for the Thayer Fellowship, in 1913-14, entailing a money stipend of $800 for the year, may now be made. The award will be decided chiefly on the basis of a competitive written examination, although other evidences of attainment and ability on the part of candidates will be considered.
The Fellowship is open to Bachelors of Arts in the United States and Canada, and to other American students of similar attainments. Candidates are expected to have enough knowledge of Greek (including Hellenistic Greek), Latin, French, and German, to effectively read books in those languages. The examination will include a majority of the following subjects: Biblical Hebrew History and the Geography of Palestine (ancient and modern), its archaeology, the elements of North Semitic epigraphy, the outlines of Biblical and early Christian literature, Syriac, and Arabic. The subjects prescribed will be suited in some degree to the field in which the student intends to specialize.
The examination will be held in Cambridge March 11, 12, and 13, 1913. Persons offering themselves should consult Professor Charles C. Torrey, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and must announce to him their intention not later than February 1. On making such as announcement, the student will receive blanks to be filled out with information respecting his studies and attainments.
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Mid-Year Examinations