(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subject of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Position Held by Music Courses:
May I call the attention of the, students to a special point in connection with the annual concert of the Harvard Musical Club to be given Wednesday evening. From remarks which come frequently to my ears, it is evident that the undergraduates, the alumni' and certainly the public have a very confused idea of what the prime object is of the department of Music, and how the various musical activities of the University are correlated. The writer is often asked how his pupils on the pianoforte, violin or organ are progressing. Now the University gives no instruction whatsoever on the executive side of music, confining itself strictly to the theory and literature of the art. In other words, the department of Music is not a conservatory masquerading under the auspices of a University. And yet so fine is the material which comes to Harvard often primarily to specialize in music that we have in our midst a number of excellent pianists, violinists and singers, their achievements, however, in these directions being entirely in nature of a by product. Hence the fact that now for seven years the students in the department, in the Pierian and from the Glee Club have been able to unite in giving a concert of a high degree of excellence is something of which all Harvard men should be proud and which should enlist their cordial support. WALTER R. SPALDING '87.
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