

Professor Henri Bergson, Noted Philosopher Will Lecture Here on February 24.

Professor Henri Bergson, of the College of France, will lecture here on February 24 on a subject not yet announced Professor Bergson is one of the foremost philosophers of the present time, being chiefly known for the philosophy embodied in his "Creative Evolution," published in 1907. He has held the position of Professor at the College de France since 1900, being appointed there after long experience at the Lycee d'Angers, Lycee de Clermont, College Rollin, Lycee Henri IV, and the Ecolo Normale supericure. He is at present an officer of the Legion of Honor.

Professor Bergson will arrive in this country on February 1 and will deliver a course of nine lectures at Columbia as exchange professor. He will return to France at the beginning of March so that considering the brevity of his stay, Harvard is fortunate in being able to arrange for the lecture.
