All applications for Senior dormitory rooms must be in the hands of the committee by Wednesday, January 22, at 6 o'clock. Any application coming in late will be considered only after allotment has been made for those applications received on time. Applications should be left in the Senior Dormitory Room in Phillips Brooks House in the sealed envelopes printed for the purpose. Envelopes and application blanks may be obtained at Phillips Brooks House, the Union and Leavitt & Peirce's. Each envelope must bear a netitious name, the real names of the applicants to appear on the balnks enclosed in the envelopes.
Applicants should indicate their preferences in the order in which they are preferred, indicating the dormitory, entry, and floor, but not the rooms, of each suite. In order to obviate any arbitary action on the part of the committee at least 20 preferences must be specified. Groups will be considered in the order of their size, groups of 12 receiving first consideration. Among groups of equal size those applying for fewer rooms will have the preference over those applying for more. In Hollis and Stoughton three or more men may apply for two rooms. In Holworthy, however, on account of a college regulation only two men can occupy a suite. Thus a group of twelve may apply for 6 suites in Holworthy for first, second, or third choice and for 4 suites or 8 rooms in Hollis or Stoughton for fifth, sixth or seventh choice, as the case may be.
The committee wishes to emphasize the fact that smaller groups have an excellent chance of obtaining desirable suites, inasmuch as there will be room in each entry for smaller groups after the applications of twelve-men groups are filled.
The following rules have been laid down by the committee: A name appearing on more than one application will cause each application affected to be thrown out. In making application a man pledges himself to abide by the allotment of the committee. Only men who entered College with the Class of 1914 or who expect to graduate with it, may make application.
The committee is sending out return postal cards, which are to be filled out and remailed, in order that the committee may make the necessary arrangements. If enough men apply, the south entry of Matthews will be renovated for the Seniors' use. The committee will hold office hours in Brooks House daily except Saturday between 5 and 6 o'clock to receive applications and furnish information. Information may also be had from L. H. Mills, Beck 31.
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