

Dates and Places for Examinations Which Extend from January 23 to February 8.

Below is given the final order of mid-year examinations. Daily exercises in all courses end for the first half-year on Wednesday, January 22. The examination period begins on Thursday, January 23, and ends Saturday, February 8.   Thursday, January 23. Anthropology 2,  Sever 6 Chemistry 4,  Harvard 5 Economics 11,  Harvard 6 Education 3c,  Lawrence 6 Fine Arts 8a,  Sever 6 French 4,  Holden French 14,  Sever 6 French 16,  Sever 6 German FII,  Harvard 6 Government 17,  Sever 35, 36 Greek E hf.,  Sever 17 Greek 7 hf.,  Harvard 6 Hist. of Religions 2,  Sever 5 Indic Philology 1a,  Warren House Indic Philology 9,  Warren House Latin E hf.,  Sever 17 Mathematics 25,  Harvard 5 Semitic 10,  Sem. Mus. 2 Semitic 18,  Sem. Mus. 2 Zoology 14b,  Sever 17   2.30 P. M. Engineering Sciences 3,  Pierce 302   Friday, January 24. Anthropology 9,  Peabody Mus. Astronomy 1,  Pierce 202, 209 Chemistry 3,  Emerson D Comp. Lit. 7,  Harvard 5 Comp. Lit. 24,  New Lect. Hall Economics 14,  Holden English 3a,  Holden English 11a,  Sever 30 English 29a,  Robinson 1fI. Fine Arts 1c,  New Lect. Hall. French 2 VII, VIII, IX: Dr. Whittem's Sect. 7,  Sever 29 Mr. Lincoln's sect. 8,  Sever 35 Mr. Mercier's sect. 9,  Sever 36 French 7,  New Lect. Hall French 19 hf.,  Sever 6 German 1b,  Sever 1, 2, 8 German 2a,  Sever 5, 6 German 2c,  Emerson J German 3,  Sever 26, 32 Government 5,  Emerson D Greek 1a,  Sever 26 History 24a,  Harvard 5 Latin B I, II, III,  Sever 17, 18 Latin 8,  Sever 14 Mathematics B,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Mathematics 2bI,  Sever 23, 24 Mathematics 5,  Sever 19 Mathematics 16,  Harvard 6 Philosophy 4,  Emerson J Philosophy 7,  Emerson J Semitic 4,  Sem. Mus. 2 Semitic 13,  Sem. Mus. 2 Spanish 1, V, VI,  Harvard 6 Spanish 3,  Harvard 6   2.30 P. M. Economics 9,  Emerson D, J   Harvard 5, 6   Saturday, January 25. Economics 12,  Sever 6 Economics 13,  Sever 6 English 65,  Sever 5 Fine Arts 10a (Arch. 2a.),  Robinson Hall French 3,  Sever 17, 18, 23 History 21,  Emerson D Music 1,  Holden Philosophy A,  Emerson D. J.   Harvard 5, 6. Now Lect. Hall Philosophy 13,  Emerson D Philosophy 21,  Emerson D Semitic A5,  Andover Building Spanish 7 hf.,  Sever 6   Monday, January 27. Astronomy 6,  Astron. Lab. Chemistry 11,  Sever 29. Chemistry 23,  Emerson F Class, Philol. 39,  Sever 30 Comp. Lit. 6a,  Harvard 5, 6 Comp. Lit. 11,  New. Lect. Hall Economics 6a,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Economics 7,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Economics 23,  Emerson F Education 5a,  Lawrence 6 English 28 hf.,  Sever 35, 36 English 41,  Emerson D Fine Arts 2a,  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 2b,  Robinson Hall French 1, sect. I,  Sever 14, 18 French 6,  Sever 18, 23, 24 German 1aII,  Robinson 1 fl. German 8,  Sever 30 German 29,  Sever 13, 17 Government 12,  Sever 6 Greek 2,  Sever 30 Greek 6,  Sever 13 History 16,  Emerson F History A4,  Andover Bldg., Room B Hist. of Science 1,  Sever 5 Mathematics C,  Pierce 202, 209 Mathematics 12,  Pierce 209 Music 4,  Holden, Harvard 5 Palaeontology 1,  Sever 6 Physiology 1,  Pierce 110, 302, 307   Sever 11 Rom. Philol. 3,  Emerson A

Semitic 2,  Sem. Mus. 2Semitic 12 hf.,  Sem. Mus. 2Semitic 17,  Sem. Mus. 2Social Ethics 1,  Emerson JZoology 1,  New Lect. HallZoology 12,  Emerson D  Tuesday, January 28.Celtic 3 hf.,  Sever 5Chemistry A,  New Lect. Hall.,  Harvard 5, 6Chemistry 6,  Sever 29, 30Class. Philol. 23,  Sever 30English 49,  Sever 30Fine Arts 3a (Arch. 1a),  Robinson 1fI.Fine Arts 9,  Pierce 209Geology 4,  Zool. Lect.-rm., Pierce 202Geology 10,  Zool. Lect.-rm.German 26a,  Sever 24History 2a,  Emerson DHistory 35,  Sever 5Mathematics 2a,  Sever 5, 6Mathematics 13,  Robinson 1 fI.Music 3,  Holden, Harvard 6Philosophy 6a,  Sever 17, 18, 23Philosophy 11,  Emerson JPhilosophy 26,  Emerson JPhysics B,  Sever 35, 36Physics 12,  Sever 36Semitic A4,  Andover Bldg.Spanish 4 hf.,  Sever 24Zoology 17,  Zool. Mus. rm. 46  Wednesday, January 29.Botany 7,  Sever 5Chemistry 21,  Sever 17Economics 8,  New Lect. HallEconomics 31,  Harvard 6Education A,  Emerson JEnglish 2,  Zool. Lect. rm.,  Pierce 202, 209Fine Arts 2c,  Sever 37Fine Arts 4a (Arch 1b),  Robinson 1 fI.French 2 I, II, III, IV, V, VI:Prof. Potter's sect. 1,  Fogg Lect. rm.Mr. Smith's sect. 2,  Sever 24Mr. Altrocchi's sect. 3,  Sever 5Mr. Hicks's sect. 4,  Sever 6Mr. Raiche's sect. 5,  Sever 35Mr. Weston's sect. 6,  Sever 17French 9,  Emerson JGerman B,  HoldenGerman C,  Emerson DGerman 2b,  Emerson DGerman 12a,  Sever 18Government 24,  Pierce 209Greek A,  Sever 30Greek B,  Sever 30History 17,  Harvard 5, 6Latin 1,  Sever 29Latin 6,  Sever 18Latin 15,  Sever 18Mathematics 4,  Sever 23, 24Mineralogy 2,  Mineral. Lab.Music 6,  HoldenPhilosophy 12,  Emerson JSemitic 1,  Sem. Mus.Semitic 15,  Sem. Mus. 2Social Ethics 5,  Emerson DSpanish 1 III, IV,  Sever 36Zoology 4,  Sever 1  Thursday, January 30.Astronomy 5,  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 14,  HoldenComp. Lit. 1,  Emerson DFrench 1 IV, V, VI,  Sever 5, 6German 25,  Sever 23, 24Government 6,  Sever 18Greek G,  Sever 30Greek 10,  HoldenGreek 12,  Sever 30History 13,  Harvard 5, 6Hist. of Religions 6,  Sever 17Latin B IV, V,  Sever 17Philosophy 3,  Emerson JPhysics C,  Zool. Lect-rm.  Pierce 202, 209Physics 1,  Sever 35, 36Spanish 8hf.  Emerson J  Friday, January 31.English A:Mr. Hersey's sect. 1a,  Sever 5Mr. McLeod's sect. 1b,  Sever 6Mr. French's sect. 1c,  Emerson DDr. Whitmore's sect. 1d,  Sever 17Dr. Whitmore's sect. 2a,  Sever 18Mr. Baum's sect. 2b,  Sever 23Mr. Baum's sect. 3b,  Sever 24Mr. Gordon's sect. 2c,  Sever 29Mr. Gordon's sect. 3d,  Sever 30Dr. Long's sect. 2d,  HoldenDr. Long's sect. 4a,  Harvard 6Dr. Long's sect. 5a,  Harvard 6Mr. Allen's sects. 3a, 4b, 5b,  Emerson DMr. Hillebrand's sect. 3c,  Sever 35Mr. Hillebrand's sect. 4c,  Sever 36Mr. Savage's sect. 4d,  Harvard 5Mr. Savage's sect. 5c,  Harvard 5Mr. Hood's sect. 5d,  Robinson 1 fI.English E,  Robinson 1 fI.English 67,  Sever 2Government 25,  Emerson JHistory 47,  Emerson JHistory A3,  Andover rm. BSemitic 14,  Sem. Mus. 1  Saturday, February 1.Anthropology 1,  Zool. Lect.-rm.Botany 2,  Sever 30Chemistry 2,  New Lect. HallClass. Philol. 21,  Sever 30Comp. Lit. 32,  Emerson DEconomics 5,  Fogg Lect.-rm.Engin. Sciences 16,  Pierce 302English 1,  Harvard 5Fine Arts 1f (Land. Arch. 1)  Sever 23, 24Geology 8,  Geol. Mus. 23German 1a I,  Sever 5German 18 hf.,  Emerson JGovernment 7,  Sever 24History 1:Sects. A1, A2, A3, A4,  Sever 16, 17, 18Sects. B1, B2, B3, B4,  Harvard 6Sect. C1, C2,  Sever 36Sects. C3, C4,  Sever 35Sects. D1, D2, D3, D4,  Pierce 202, 209History 4,  Sever 6History 9,  Emerson JHistory 26,  Emerson DItalian 2,  Sever 6Mathematics 2b II,  Emerson JMathematics 23,  Sever 6Music 2,  HoldenPhysics 6a,  HoldenSpanish 1 II,  Sever 29  Monday, February 3.Astronomy 2,  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 1a,  Zool. Lect.-rm.Chemistry 12,  Sever 29Class. Arch. 1a,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 22,  Sever 29Economics 1,  New Lect. Hall  Emerson D, J  Harvard 5, 6  Sever 35, 36Economics 4a,  Pierce 110, 302, 307Engin. Sciences 11,  Pierce 202Fine Arts 1b hf,  Sever 37Fine Arts 5c,  Fogg Small Lect.-rm.French 1 II, III,  Pierce 209Government 4,  Sever 5, 6Greek B II,  Sever 30History 5,  HoldenHistory 12 hf.,  Sever 2, 8History 15,  Sever 30History 32,  Sever 30History 42,  Sever 6Italian 1,  Sever 17Italian 10,  Sever 17Mathematics A,  Sever 18, 23, 24Mathematics 17,  Sever 5Mineralogy 12,  Mineral. Lab.Philosophy 14,  Emerson FPhysics 15,  Jefferson Lab. 3Scandinavian 2,  HoldenSocial Ethics 4,  Emerson F  Tuesday, February 4.Class. Arch. 4,  Sever 18Economics 33,  Emerson JEngineering 6K,  Pierce 202English 62,  Sever 18Fine Arts 1a,  RobinsonFine Arts 10b (Arch 4a)  Emerson JGerman 36,  Emerson JGovernment 16,  Emerson DLatin 3hf.  Sever 18Latin 7 hf.,  Sever 18  Wednesday, February 5.Botany 13,  Sever 24Economics 3,  Harvard 5, 6French 2 X, XI,  Sever 23, 24German F, sect. I,  Sever 24Italian 5,  Sever 17Latin A,  Sever 17Mathematics E,  Sever 35, 36Mathematics 18,  Sever 17Philosophy 23a,  Emerson DSlavic 4,  Emerson DSpanish 1, sect. I,  Sever 5  Thursday, February 6.Chemistry 9,  Harvard 6English 4,  Harvard 6French A,  Emerson D, JFrench 22 hf.,  Sever 23German A:Mr. Sievers, sect. 1,  Sever 5Mr. Cawley, sect. 2,  Sever 6Mr. McCobb, sect. 3,  Sever 17Dr. Pettengill, sect. 4,  Sever 18Mr. Herrick, sect. 5,  Sever 23Dr. Eiserhardt, sect. 6,  Sever 24Prof. Bierwirth, sect. 7,  Sever 29Dr. Pettengill, sect. 8,  Sever 30Mr. Cawley, sect. 9,  Sever 35Mr. McCobb, sect. 10,  Sever 36German 9,  Sever 36Indic Philol. 4,  Warren HouseMathematics 19,  Sever 17Philosophy 29 hf.,  Emerson J  Friday, February 7.Economics 16,  Harvard 6French 3,  Harvard 6Greek 3hf.,  Harvard 6History 49 hf.,  Harvard 6Mineralogy 14,  Mineral Lab.Physics 2,  Harvard 6Physics 5,  Harvard 6Romance Philol. 4,  Harvard 6  Saturday, February 8.Astronomy 3,  Astron. Lab.Botany 3,  Harvard 5Chemistry 5,  Sever 1, 2Class. Philol. 65,  Sever 30Comp. Philol. 2a hf.,  HoldenEconomics 2a,  Harvard 5, 6Engineering 2L,  Pierce 307Engin. Sciences 5,  Pierce 302English 50,  Robinson 1 fI.French 10,  Robinson 1 fI.German 1c,  Sever 23, 24German 4,  Sever 18, 24German 7,  Fogg. Lect. rm.Government 1:Mr. Brigham, sects.  Emerson DMr. Clark, sects.  Sever 35, 36Mr. Cottrell, sects.  New Lect. HallMr. McLeod, sects.  New Lect. HallMr. Holt, sects.  Emerson JMr. Page, sects.  Zool. Lect.-rm.Greek 8,  Sever 29History 14,  Emerson A, FHistory 18,  Pierce 209History A1,  Andover rm. BLatin 2a,  Sever 29Mathematics L,  Sever 30Mathematics 3,  HoldenMusic 1a,  HoldenPhilosophy D,  Sever 5, 6, 8Philosophy 18,  Emerson DPhysics 4b,  Sever 29Physics 7,  Sever 29Slavic 1a,  Sever 29Spanish 2,  Sever 1
