To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I should like to use your columns, if I may, to do what I can to disperse the prevalent ideas that the Harvard Orchestra requires of its players virtuosic qualifications which are beyond the interest and the capabilities of the ordinary student. The music selected for the first part of the orchestra's season has always been in emulation of that style which the Boston Symphony (the Sodality's one-time offspring) has found best suited for the spring "pops"; it is true that later in the year the attention is turned to music of a more solid and more serious nature. But this is in fact by wish of a practically unanimous majority, and indeed a player can hardly spend a half-year in becoming acquainted with the individuality and the meaning of each orchestra-section without wishing to investigate some of the higher works of more brilliant significance. Among the more superior musical talent that an orchestra of a high standard draws from the versatile life of this University, the ordinary Harvard student who has in some way acquired an interest for the understanding of music, can here find opportunity for gaining a first-hand, knowledge of what an orchestra means.
In his "lay sermon" last year Professor Copeland urged men to make the acquaintance of poetry between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, otherwise the understanding of poetry would be lost to them for life; this applies, if possible, even more inherently to music. The Pierian Sodality will take pleasure in welcoming any student, Freshmen included, who is acquainted or desires to become acquainted with any orchestral instrument, at the trials this evening or Wednesday. L. G. DEL CASTILLO '14; Conductor.