All candidates for positions on the news and business boards of the CRIMSON will be expected to report in the CRIMSON Office this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The news competition and the business competition will be open only to members of the class of 1915. The editorial competition is only for members of the Junior class.
Business Candidates.
Competition for positions on the business board of the paper will start tonight. Two positions as assistant business managers will be field as a result of this competition. The two men elected to the board will be those who have shown the greatest energy and skill in soliciting advertisements and subscriptions, in co-operating with the business editors in the management of the details of publication, and who have shown a distinct fitness for the positions by marked, general efficiency. More detailed announcement of the work expected of candidates will be made by the business manager this evening.
The News Competition.
The class of 1915 has already furnished four editors, leaving at least six positions to be filled in the two remaining news competitions open to the present Sophomore class.
Candidates entering this competition will be required to gather news items of interest to the University, both on assignment and independently. Election is based on ability to handle assignments, ingenuity shown in uncovering news, and excellence in the writing of English. Great value, however, will be attached to the degree of earnestness shown by candidates.
Editorial Writers.
The CRIMSON has within the last two years adopted the policy of an editorial competition. Men, from the Junior class, entering this competition will be required to submit at least two editorials a week. The value of these editorials will lie in their originality, common sense, and degree of application to the needs of the University. Excellence in English will be taken for granted in this competition.
These three competitions starting tonight should attract many men who desire an opportunity for broadening themselves, and for gaining a thorough knowledge of University life.
Read more in News
College Taxation.