

Frye Pitched Well Against Best Hitters of Team and Clark Got Four Hits in Five Times at Bat.

The University and Freshman baseball squads put in a hard afternoon's practice on Soldiers Field yesterday. Coach Sexton divided the men into two teams, A and B, mixing in the Freshmen with the University candidates as was done on Thursday. These two teams played a six-inning game, each side scoring six runs.

Practically all the men on both squads were given an opportunity to show their form, as it is the wish of Coach Sexton and Captain Wingate to get a good line on the candidates as soon as possible. At present the infield candidates are being closely watched, since it is these positions that are expected to give trouble in filling satisfactorily.

Line-up of the Team.

Immediately after the practice game R. B. Frye '15 was put in the box and a strong team lined up against him. Frye allowed but three hits during the three innings of play.

Later in the afternoon the men were sent on the diamond as follows: 1b., S. P. Clark '14; 2b., R. R. West '15; 3b., M. B. Phillips '15; s.s., D. J. P. Wingate '14; l.f., E. H. Alsop '15; c.f., F. G. Fripp '16; r.f., C. W. Curtis '14; c., J. B. Waterman '15; p., A. D. MacDonald '15. Against this line-up in the field the remainder of the squad took batting and base-running practice.


The only possible feature of the afternoon was the batting of S. P. Clark '14, who made four hits out of five times at bat.

There will be no practice this afternoon, but on Monday the work will continue as usual for the University and Freshman candidates.
