

Progressives to Organize Tonight.--Democrats Will Hold Rally.

An organization meeting of all members of the University who believe in the principles of the Progressive party will be held in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 8.15 o'clock. The Progressive party managers in Massachusetts are anxious to have the active support of as many young men as possible, as the campaign committee feels that a great majority of the men who are voting for the first time this year can be expected to support the Progressive candidates. It is, therefore, anxious that an active organization may be founded in the University. Plans will be discussed for a permanent organization of an efficient character. It is not so much the desire of the Progressive managers to have a very large organization as to have active men who are ready and willing to give what time they can spare in earnest endeavor to help the party. Assurances of support from the office of the Progressive National Executive Committee in New York have already been received.

Woodrow Wilson Mass Meeting.

A mass meeting in support of Woodrow Wilson will be held at Brattle Hall this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock under the auspices of the Woodrow Wilson Club of the University. Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, Dudley Field Malone, Corporation Counsel of New York City, and perhaps Governor Foss will be present and will deliver short addresses. All members of the University are invited to attend. Last spring Mr. Wilson spoke in Sanders Theatre under the Club's auspices, but the demonstration this afternoon will be the first one in the actual campaign. A short meeting of the Club will take place immediately after the larger meeting.
