

Conducted the First Service of the College Year Yesterday Morning.

President Lowell conducted the first morning prayer services of the College year in Appleton Chapel yesterday morning. The first service was attended by about two hundred students. After the prayers, devotional hymn, and scripture reading, President Lowell made a short and appropriate address.

Two hundred and seventy-six years have passed since the founding of this University and in that time a prayer service has been held here almost every morning. Some of the prayers have been strange ones but all have come from the hearts of earnest men. They have been offered in times when the nation was in great trouble and in times of great national prosperity and happiness. If we see more light than our predecessors did, it is because their prayers have been answered.

The Puritans bore a stern and rigid aspect which often suggests something unpleasant to late generations, but the Puritans based their lives faithfully upon a strong theology, which was logical and deep-rooted. They believed that every deed, every spoken word, and even every thought which the mind entertained had its effect upon the character. No act, thought, or speech, no matter what its significance could be without its moral result. This code is sound, and we need to observe it especially here where we are dealing with the foundation of men's characters and souls. Our acts and thoughts and words here not only have lasting effect upon ourselves, but also upon the characters of all those with whom we come in contact in any way whatsoever, so we should act rightly, think rightly, and speak thoughtfully


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