

Promotions and Appointments.--New Publication in Government.

Professor S. I. Bailey '88 has been appointed to the Phillips Professorship of Astronomy to succeed Professor Searle. Professor Bailey has been Associate Professor in the Department of Astronomy since 1898. Other promotions in the Faculty recently announced are as follows: Assistant Professor Charles Palache to a professorship of Mineralogy; Assistant Professor W. S. Ferguson to a professorship of Ancient History; Assistant Professor W. B. Munro to a professorship in Municipal Government; and Assistant Professor L. C. Graton to a professorship of Mining Geology. Professor T. W. Richards becomes Erving Professor of Chemistry and A. B. Lamb '03 is made Assistant Professor of Chemistry.

Three Important Appointments.

In addition to these promotions three important new appointments to positions on the teaching staff were announced at the close of the year. Professor R. A. Daly p'93, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is appointed Sturgis-Hooper Professor of Geology, succeeding Professor W. M. Davis '69, who has been appointed Professor Emeritus. Professor E. P. Kohler, of Bryn Mawr College, has been called to Harvard as Professor of Chemistry, and Professor Arthur Michael, of Tufts College, comes to the University as Professor of Organic Chemistry.

Guide to Study of Our Government.

The Department of Government has undertaken this year the publication of a comprehensive "Guide to the Study of American Government." Each member of the Department will contribute one or more chapters of the volume, which will include bibliographical data covering the entire field of American government, national, state, local, and insular.
