

Will Begin Monday With Morning Prayers by President Lowell.

The daily service of morning prayers will begin on Monday morning. For the following week these services will be conducted as follows:

Monday. President Lowell.

Tuesday. Professor E. C. Moore '78, Chairman of the Board of Preachers to the University.

Wednesday. Professor G. H. Palmer '64.

Thursday. Professor F. G. Peabody '69.


Friday. Professor Bliss Perry.

Saturday. The Rev. George Hodges, Dean of the Episcopal Theological School of Cambridge.

For the week September 30 to October 5 inclusive prayers will be conducted by Professor F. G. Peabody '69.

On Sunday, September 29, at 11 o'clock, he first regular Sunday morning service of the term will be held. Professor Peabody will preach.

The new organ in Appleton Chapel has not been finished, but there will be no interruption of the regular services of worship at the Chapel. Temporary arrangements for organ and choir have been made.
