
Averages of 1912 Baseball Team

Below are printed the official batting averages for the University baseball team of last spring. Both individual and team figures show a falling off from those of the previous year; but are still far ahead of those made in the years immediately preceding Dr. Sexton's advent as head coach.

The team as a whole batted for .314, a decrease of 60 points from the average of the 1911 team. Captain Porter, who led in 1911 with .371, was again the leader of the regular players, but with only an even .300 mark. Bartholf, playing in eleven games, proved the exception to the rule that pitchers are invariably poor batters by averaging .384. Of the veterans, Reeves alone improved his 1911 mark materially, raising from .170 to .279. Averages. Player,  Games  A. B.  Hits  P. C. F. H. Clark,  2  2  1  .500 Bartholf,  11  26  10  .384 Milholland,  3  3  1  .333 Potter,  23  70  21  .309 Reeves,  16  43  12  .279 Wingate,  24  86  23  .267 Young,  14  34  9  .264 Clark,  24  88  23  .261 Haas,  2  4  1  .250 Bolton,  5  15  3  .200 Gibson,  16  52  10  .192 Babson,  24  89  16  .181 Desha,  14  40  7  .175 Reynolds,  19  56  9  .160 Hardy,  4  3  1  .125 Wigglesworth,  21  45  4  .097 Felton,  12  33  3  .090 Coon,  11  21  1  .047 Curtis,  3  8  0  .000 Tomes,  2  1  0  .000 Hitchcock,  1  1  0  .000   --  --  --  -- Team average,  24  725  155  .214
